. Hi, I'm Autumn! - Autumnotopia
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(Extremely Autumn Voice)

πŸ‚ Hi, I'm Autumn! πŸ‚

These are some things I like:

I'm also a co-lead at Mortally Moonstruck Games, where I make Strange Little Things with my partner and some friends! You may enjoy them if you're a fan of dark fiction, girls' love and lesbianism, or just generally crazy women.

An animated gif of a visual novel. A purple skinned homunculus asks her creator 'How do I look?' as she changes into a set of clothes, and the narraotr notes that she looks 'so cute' (despite being hesitant to say so out lout).
A screenshot of a four-tone pixelated game. On the left side of the screen the player's avatar is shown, depicting a brooding Hairy Mycena mushroom girl. A 10 sided dice is shown in the middle of the screen, showing the number 1 and the text 'AUGH FAIL'. The caption at the bottom reads 'Clumsy is an understatement. Your creations are unfit for human eyes. You never intended this meal to be shared with anyone, and it shows.'
A screenshot of a visual novel. An illustration shows a blonde girl holding up her bangs, revealing an upside down cresent moon scar on her forehead. Lady Luna asks in the caption 'Could it be...?! The prophecy...!'
An animated gif of a character screen. Standing on a pedestal on the left side of the screen is a mushroom girl with the name plaque: 'Jacqui: Volatile Frosty Wavy Cap'. The player flips through several inventory screens, including an inventory, life events, and a magic log. A cloud drifts lazily in the background.

I'm a little shy, and it may take a while for me to respond to things... but I like when people talk in my direction anyways :)

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